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A Grateful Heart

No matter your age, weight, or skin toneYou.Are.Beautiful. I felt that was necessary to articulate this dreary/rainy/snowy Wednesday. So much of who we are is easily influenced by the variables in this life. So, if you are reading this, thinking I'm going to tell you LipSense color will brighten up your day and you should try it are mistaken, although that is true. Today is a day for reflection; a day to acknowledge; a day to be mindful of not only where we are, but where others are. Today I woke up with anxiety about how the roads would be on my way into work, my mind was scattered to say the was a day where every fiber of my being was telling me, start a fire, curl up on the sofa and watch netflix all day, but the better part of me responded appropriately. I wonder how often we go against what we want to do, because it is the right  thing to do.  That last statement really got me thinking and asking more questions, so I thought I would share them,
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What Color Can Do For Me?

We've all been there, you're walking down the street, through the grocery store, or at a stop light...that jaw dropping "What is she thinking?" moment when a lipstick color is just too BOLD!  Instantaneously we create a story to explain why she feels it's necessary to be "So obnoxious", or we super judgmentally jump to the conclusion she didn't look in the mirror. I get it, I've been right there with you, having those same thoughts. I think our current society plays a part in our majorly reactive nature. So how do we change those thoughts? Can we? That's a personal thing I feel we all need to work through on our own (not just in the sense of judging makeup!). A method I put into practice myself was this: I put myself in her shoes. I wore bold lip color and the dramatic eye shadow...until I had made every facial makeup change possible. What did I find? I liked it! I felt bold, but more importantly I felt confident. I could step out the door


Hello I'm Amber! I'm excited you are here & following my journey with LipSense!  First, I want to let you know how we got here! I was introduced to LipSense products in early October of 2017. I Was invited to a friends LipSense party. I had absolutely no idea what it was, but I figured, "hey, two hours on a Monday night to hang out with friends I haven't seen in a while...I'm in!" and that was it - I RSVP'd "yes" and waited for the reminder of the event the day before! Looking back, it was clear why I signed up. Community! Yes, you heard me right, as much as I loved the products, processes, and the instant confidence boost that I gained while wearing the products, as much as I instantly clicked with the distributor, as much as I really didn't "need" another thing to add to my crazy life...God made it clear, I needed community. God also made it clear that this was part of my purpose. Now let's be real for a minu